Office of Ombudsman Press-release N 1481-1955/69-10, 19.03.2010 E. Suleymanova attended ceremony of pardoning execution Considering personality, the state of health, family status of inmates, their behavior during serving their punishment and basing on the principle of humanism 72 inmates were pardoned according to the 47th Pardoning Decree of the country President dated March 17, 2010. Journalist Ganimat Zahidov also was among the pardoned inmates. From her first days of activity, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan examined the possibility of pardoning of inmates in the frame of law according to their own or family members appeals, considering the fact that some of them repent for the offences they committed, were rehabilitated and don’t threaten the society any more she sent motions to the Pardoning Commission for pardoning of 24 prisoners after the last pardoning decree according to article 1.4 of the Constitutional Law on Ombudsman. Considering the motions of Ombudsman 10 inmates were pardoned during the last pardoning decree. It should be mentioned since the beginning of the activity of Commissioner 319 inmates, including juveniles, women, ill persons, the elderly, and journalists were liberated up to date. The Commissioner visited the prisons No. 6 and 15 of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice, met with prisoners. Ombudsman noted as a result of humanist policy of the state 9 amnesty acts, and 47 pardoning decrees were signed up to date. The Commissioner also noted punishment is being liberalized; inmates are treated with more humanism, their detention condition, nourishment and the medical services rendered to them are improved. E. Suleymanova presented the documents on liberation to the pardoned inmates. Press Service