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Главная » 2015 » Декабрь » 12 » National Preventive Group monitored the Gobustan Prison
National Preventive Group monitored the Gobustan Prison

Ombudsman Office
Press release
PR3556/258-15, 25.11.2015

National Preventive Group (NPG) conducted an ad-hoc visit to Gobustan Prison of the Penitentiary Service under the Ministry of Justice.
The aim of this visit was to monitor the custody conditions and treatment, investigate the received applications, and to learn the state of  ensuring the inmates’ rights and to check the documentation in the prison facility.

In the course of the monitoring general custody conditions of the life-imprisoned persons and those who are serving half of their sentencing in prison regime by court decision, investigation isolator, medical-sanitary part, meeting rooms, canteen, the preparadness of the facility to winter season, nutrition, access to medical care service, to drinking cold and hot water,  parcel and telephone service in the facility.

During the monitoring, it was found that various regime corps and investigation isolator are under repair, but some of them is still in need of repair; also the preparedness of the prison facility to winter season, including heating service was evaluated satisfactory and it has been taken emergency repairs if deemed necessary. 

Numerous inmates, including the life-imprisoned persons, including those who made relevant requests have been interviewed in private. Their requests dealing with meeting, phone service and provision of medical care were monitored and some appeals have been solved on spot.  

During the conversations the interviewed persons have been given legal consultations and explained the Ombudsman’s competences.

In the frame of this monitoring, the administration of the prison facility was given necessary instructions for the improvement of the general custody condition.

Ministry of Justice will be addressed about the outcomes of this monitoring and ensuring the applications by the detained persons.
Press service 

Просмотров: 364 | Добавил: Admin | Теги: Azerbaijan, NPM, Qobustan prison | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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