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Главная » 2012 » Август » 5 » Next “legal assistance day” was conducted at the penitentiary no.5
Next “legal assistance day” was conducted at the penitentiary no.5
The next "legal assistance day” was conducted at the penitentiary within the project titled "Provision of assistance to prisoners in penitentiaries” financed by the Open Society Institute – Assistance Foundation Human Rights and Governance Grant Program and implemented by the Citizen’s Labor Rights Protection League. 
The "legal assistance day” was organized at the minimum security Penitentiary No. 5 of the Penitentiary Service active in the region. There were posted announcements before the organization of provision of legal assistance and information was disseminated through the network.
The legal assistance was provided by 4 reputable lawyers of the country. The study excursion was first conducted at the penitentiary. There had been organized private meetings with the prisoners detained at the prison cells. There were conducted confidential meetings to define whether there had been any cases of torture and bad treatment. Later there was conducted reception for 6 hours with breaks. There was provided legal assistance to 27 persons in general. However regular service are provided to prisoners getting grant of parole.

From 27 prisoners getting legal assistance: 5 prisoners were provided with advise and applications prepared for them on grant of parole.
It should be mentioned that 15 prisoners of this penitentiary were provided with grant of parole starting from January 2012 to April 20 2012 and 13 prisoners were transferred to settlement type penitentiaries. The assigned lawyer is provided for collective litigations by the CLRPL. There was provided initial legal assistance to one person for defining physical disability. There will be conducted meetings with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection for defining the level of physical disability for those persons. 8 persons applied regarding the problems of their family members. There will be established contact with those families soon and necessary legal assistance will be provided. Majority of applications were related with the issues of getting addressed social aid for prisoners’ families.

One person applied for preparation of appeals and cassation applications. There was provided initial advise to them and there will be provided necessary legal assistance to them later.9 persons got assistance on the issue related to getting obligatory medical treatment (obligatory treatment for drug addiction is compulsory. The prisoner is getting right for getting grant of parole in case such treatment is provided).

2 persons received necessary legal assistance regarding defining the level of physical disability. The problem regarding sending one person to hospital has been solved. The process of preparation of awareness raising memories for prisoners is conducted at the moment. The memories will be ready sooner and will be massively disseminated in penitentiaries. Information is disseminated on the mass media of the country highlighting legal assistance provided to prisoners. The same information is also presented on the newspaper "Azerbaijan”
( which is parliamentary publication and on the official web site of the Penitentiary Service
( together with information and photos.

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«  Август 2012  »

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