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Главная » 2012 » Апрель » 7 » NPM visited the Penitentiary Facility N# 7
NPM visited the Penitentiary Facility N# 7
Office of Ombudsman
Press-release N 1597-2556/292-11, 27.12.2011
The members of the Ombudsman’s NPM group established according to the Optional Protocol to the "UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment” conducted visit to Penitentiary N# 7 of Penitentiary Service of Ministry of Justice on December 15-16, 2011.
It should be mentioned that, being taken into account of previous recommendations of the staff members, positive changes have been observed in this facility.
During the interview with prisoners- 22 persons in penitentiary isolator and 32 persons in common living place, they mentioned that, after appointing new chief, treatment with prisoners and medical provision had been improved.
Moreover, complying with sanitary, conducting maintenance and doing repairing in some places were observed in establishment. However a number of prisons in this facility have caused inconvenience.
Necessary recommendations were given to the administration of the facility.
The Ombudsman applied to the minister of Minister of Justice about the result of conducted visit to the Penitentiary N# 7.
         Press Service

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