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Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 6 » Provision of legal assistances to prisoners is carried on
Provision of legal assistances to prisoners is carried on
Citizens’ Labor Rights Protection League is continuing provision of legal assistances to prisoners at the Penitentiaries within the project financed by the Open Society Institute Human Rights and Governance Grant Program.
Lawyers sent by the CLRPL on October 27, 2012 provided legal assistance to prisoners at the Penitentiary No. 11 of the Penitentiary Service.
46 persons were provided with legal assistance in one day. Legal assistances covered various aspects. Prisoners received advice on pardon and grant of parole as well. However prisoners complained from the difficulty of grant of parole.
As, courts no longer release, even those who have 3 – 5 months for expiration of penalty in most cases.
Legal assistances were also referred to prisoners who are going to finish their sentence and get released in recent periods. Such prisoners usually applied for advice on obtaining ID cards, receiving once only aid defined by the law after release, pension, opportunity to get previous jobs again.
Provision of legal assistances is carried on.
Citizens' Labor Rights Protection League,

11, N.Narimanov str., Apt 16
Baku, AZ-1006, Azerbaijan
Tel: (99 412) 530 86 25
mob: (99 450) 314 49 15
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«  Ноябрь 2012  »

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