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Главная » 2012 » Июнь » 15 » The members of Ombudsman’s NPM Group conducted visit to Gobustan prison
The members of Ombudsman’s NPM Group conducted visit to Gobustan prison

Office of Ombudsman, Press-release N 1628-2603/43-11, 14.03.2012   

The members of National preventive Mechanism conducted long-termvisit to Gobustan Prison, upon the Ombudsman’s instructions. 

The aim behind the visit was to investigate the fulfillment of the recommendations given during the previous visit, as well as imprisonment conditions and treatment and to meet with inmates.
During the visit more than 60 inmates sentenced to lifetime imprisonment and for a certain period were interviewed in private. No appeal was received on ill-treatment of prisoners.
It should be noted positive changes were observed in comparison with the previous visits.
Improvement of medical service, expanding of the windows of cells, improvement of the quality of food, observance of cleanness, discipline of staff were appreciated.
The fact of death of lifetime prisoner Gadir Eminov who committed suicide on February 25, 2012 was investigated by the visiting team. Thus, during the talk with other lifelong prisoners detained in the same cell with him, those persons noted Gadir Eminov had not been subjected to violence by staff. While investigating the fact of his detaining in isolator, it was found that G. Eminov was sent to the punishment isolator as he fought with other inmates in the cell on 22 February for ten days. After staying two days there he hung himself from iron frame with rope made from blanket at the night from February 24 to 25. At the moment investigation is conducted on the fact at Garadag District Prosecutor’s Office.
Proposals on elimination of some shortcomings found during the visit were sent to the Minister of Justice.

Press Service
Просмотров: 570 | Добавил: Admin | Теги: Qobustan, lifers, Gobustan, prisons, Ombudsman, Azerbaijan, NPM | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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«  Июнь 2012  »

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