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Главная » 2011 » Январь » 9 » The representatives of the Ombudsman Office met with inmates in Gobustan prison
The representatives of the Ombudsman Office met with inmates in Gobustan prison

Office of Ombudsman

Press-release N 1663-2227/340-10, 02.12.2010

According to the instructions of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the representatives of the Ombudsman Office visited Gobustan prison and met with Elchin Amiraslanov who is sentenced to life-imprisonment and a number of other inmates.

During the meeting E. Amiraslanov noted had had not been given meeting with his relatives on November 19, 2010, as prescribed by law. E. Amiraslanov also noted he had gone hunger strike as the books taken form his cell in 2008 had not been returned to him yet. He mentioned his health status is normal, he had appealed to the head of the facility in relation to beginning hunger strike.

During the investigation it was revealed that E. Amiraslanov indeed appealed to the head of the facility for beginning the hunger strike.

During the talk head of the institution K Abdullayev noted the appeal of the above mentioned inmate is unjustified, he had enjoyed the right of meeting with family members as prescribed by law, the last meeting was on October 2010, and next long-term meeting would be on January 3, 2011. Moreover, the copy of registration list of the E. Amiraslanov’s meetings was presented to the representatives of the Ombudsman. Head of the facility noted the inmate is in the medical unit of the prisons and he had not handed the food kept in his cell. Furthermore, E. Amiraslanov is given daily meals.

Commission was given to the head of the facility and the doctor to take under their control the health status of the inmate.

Press Service
Просмотров: 532 | Добавил: Admin | Теги: НПМ, Омбудсман, Гобустан, тюрьмы, азербайджан, prisons, Ombudsman, Azerbaijan, NPM | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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